Exam 2

Here is the file that has what we were supposed to do in the exam of the second partial.

And the first code is here and is named triangles.

The second one is superpower

Third one is called son of the devil or best known as Fibonacci.

The last one is about palindromes and you’ll find it here.


Another one? Yes 💀

Quiz 05 was about

  1. Create a function called is_palindrome which receives a string as a parameter and returns true if that string is a palindrome, false otherwise. Remember that a palindrome is a word that is the same forward or backward. For full points your function must ignore case and must work with any character (not just letters). So (“Dad$dad” is a palindrome even though the D is capital and d is lower case).


Captura de pantalla 2016-04-07 a las 8.35.02 p.m.


2. Create a function called find_threes that receives as a parameter a list (or Vector or array for C++ students) of numbers and returns the sum of all numbers in that list that are evenly divisible by 3. Note if using vectors, you will need an additional parameter to represent the number of numbers in the array. So if the list was [0,4,2,6,9,8,3,12], the function would return 30 (0+6+9+3+12)

Captura de pantalla 2016-04-07 a las 8.58.07 p.m.

To do this quiz I had to read my classmates quizzes and asked for help to a friend that already have done this last semester.

Anyway those are the screenshots for each one.

And here are both codes.